March 2025 Vedic Astrology Forecast
This month, there will be two eclipses; Saturn will change signs, and many planets will gather in one sign. To find out more about this month, please read on:
Saturday, March 1:
Mercury and the north lunar node Rahu are joined in exact degree today. Mercury governs intellect, information and communication, and Rahu’s powerful shadowy influence distorts Mercury’s clarity greatly. Mercury is also in Pisces right now, its sign of debilitation. These first few days of March may be strangely difficult for communication.
Monday, March 3:
The Moon is in Ashwini Nakshatra today, which on a Monday forms a favorable combination known as shobana (splendid, illuminated) yoga. Along with this, this is the excellent 5th waxing lunar day.
Ashwini is an asterism that has meanings of strong vitality and rejuvenation, where this day is well-suited to activities that support healing and good health.
Sunday, March 9:
In the U.S., daylight savings begins and clocks will go forward. This adjusted clock that moves further away from the sun’s actual location is the less popular one among farmers, animals, plants and those who sense the quiet yet very real beat of circadian-rhythms.
Monday, March 10:
Today the Moon is in the excellent Pushya Nakshatra, and on a Monday this forms a combination for accomplishment, and today’s 12th waxing lunar day on a Monday supports the long-lasting effects of one’s actions.
Symbolized as the udder of a cow, Pushya Nakshatra is a lunar mansion that encourages motherly care, selflessness and bountifulness.
Tuesday, March 11-Wednesday, March 12:
Saturn is both very weak and also very powerful for different reasons at this time, with layered effects.
On these days the Sun and Saturn will be in exact degree. Nearness to the Sun renders Saturn very weak due to deep-combustion- this means that it becomes lost in the Sun’s glare.
In life, Saturn’s deep combustion can manifest as nagging insecurity around the areas that Saturn governs. Saturn is the slow-moving, dutiful planet of daily work, practicality and routines. One may feel as if they are never working hard enough, or are responsible, trust-worthy or mature enough. There can be the shouldering of tasks and questionable busywork out of fear. Saturn’s combustion is at its height today, and will vary in its intensity throughout nearly all of March.
Some say that during the very brief time when a planet is in the exact degree as the Sun it will take on a unique, laser-like power known as cazimi (‘in the very heart of the Sun’), where it is as if the planet shares the same seat with the king. However this is an area of debate.
A more fundamental consideration that makes Saturn powerful right now is that it is about to leave Aquarius later this month, and Saturn is said to deliver its strongest transiting effects as it exits a sign.
Saturn’s transiting strength increases its power right now, for better or for worse. Depending on where Saturn transits individually, this planet may deliver some very desirable effects, even as its combustion colors the experience.
Reciprocally, the Sun is strongly affected by Saturn. To the things that the Sun governs, this brings effects of harshness, crudeness and oppressiveness which will probably play out most visibly in relation to leaders, governments, authority-figures and organizations.
Thursday, March 13-Friday, March 14:
The Full Moon takes place in sidereal Leo in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra on March 14th at 2:54AM EDT. (6:54AM GMT.)
March is eclipse season, where this Full Moon will bring a total lunar eclipse.
Eclipses are omens of destabilization and transformation, and adding to its intensity there will be many planets in sensitive points in the zodiac. Among the various sensitive influences: today the Sun will enter sidereal Pisces, where in a sign-junction it becomes unsteady. Mercury is in its weakest debilitation degree. Saturn is in very close degree with the Sun, which means that it takes part in the eclipse pattern. And lastly, Mars is in a specific fateful degree (mrtiyu-bhag).
The full phase of this lunar eclipse will be visible across the U.S.
Lesser portions of the eclipse will be visible across Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and much of Africa.
This eclipse will begin on March 13th at 11:57AM EDT and will end on the 14th at 6:00AM EDT. The moment of maximum eclipse is on March 14th at 2:58AM EDT (6:58AM GMT).
This full moon has been named an ominous-sounding ‘Blood Moon’ where it will take on a red hue.
Eclipses are most powerful in their path of visibility and will often coincide with dramatic events both near the time of occurrence, as well as over the upcoming months when planets transit the eclipse degree. The three days on either side of an eclipse are traditionally a time to hold off on major important activities, such as starting a job or moving into a new home.
Saturday, March 15:
Mercury will go retrograde today until Monday, April 7th. This planet also happens to be in its degree of deepest debilitation in Pisces today, where in this water sign Mercury, planet of rationality and intellect, is overtaken by strong watery currents.
Mercury’s retrogression period may be most naturally well-suited to reviewing and restructuring earlier information, in which things from before get seen with new eyes.
Wednesday, March 19:
Today the Moon is in a weak-point in the early degrees of sidereal Scorpio where it gives unsteady effects. This day may call for more rest and the space to go at one’s own natural pace in life. The Moon will be in its point of deepest debilitation at 10:39AM EDT (2:39PM GMT.)
Thursday, March 20:
The equinox will take place today at 5:01 AM EDT (9:01AM GMT). In the northern hemisphere, this is the first day of Spring.
Saturday, March 29:
The New Moon in Pisces will take place at 6:57AM EDT (10:57AM GMT.) in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
This New Moon will bring a partial Solar Eclipse. Several hours after this, Saturn will enter the eclipse sign of Pisces. I will come back to Saturn, but first, about the eclipse: it is destabilizing for the environment, and is a window to navigate with care. Eclipses are most powerful in their path of visibility, very often coinciding with dramatic events that can occur within days, as well as over the following months when planets transit over the eclipse degree. The days surrounding an eclipse are a time to hold off on major beginnings of practical importance, such as starting a job or moving into a new home, especially if one is located within in its path.
Inwardly, eclipses are transformative, and are a time when spiritual practice and its benefits are amplified. Like a re-setting of an aperture, or the blinking of an eye, an eclipse can encourage a new way of seeing.
In North America, the eclipse will begin at approximately 5:23EDT and end at 7:04AM EDT. The moment of maximum eclipse is at 6:46AM EDT.
On a global scale, the total eclipse time is from 8:50UTC until 12:43UTC. The moment of maximum eclipse at 10:47UTC.
This partial eclipse will be visible in parts of the northeastern United States, eastern Canada, Greenland, Europe, Northwest Africa, and northwestern Russia.
Now back to Saturn: this slow-moving planet has been in sidereal Aquarius since January 17, 2023. Upon its entry into Pisces today, Saturn will be here until February 23rd, 2028. During this time, it will enter Aries temporarily, from June 3rd until October 19, 2027, before retrograding back into Pisces. In the scheme of planetary friendships, Saturn in Jupiter-ruled Pisces is in a neutral sign placement.
Saturn’s ingress will create a total of six planets in Pisces today- the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Rahu will all be here. All of them will be in the nakshatras of either Poorva Bhadrapada, or Uttara Bhadrapada. This pair of lunar mansions has interrelated meanings, and are symbolized as the front and back halves of a funeral cot. They are sometimes known as ‘the scorching pair.’ They are associated with sudden shock and the adjustment that follows, and are connected to a walking between the worlds of the living and the deceased. In recent previous forecasts, I have made mention of these two intense nakshatras, where in recent months and throughout 2025 Saturn and Rahu, two powerful malefic planets, will be here.
In the chart of the U.S., Saturn in Pisces will be in the 4th house of home-land and the environment. This is not an easy location, where this house represents a microcosm of the well-being of the country in a basic sense.
According to an ancient text titled Brihat Samhita:
‘When Saturn transits Uttarabhadrapada, rivers, those who dwell on river-banks, carriage-makers, carpenters etc., women and gold are destroyed’.
This spring (in the northern hemisphere), Saturn’s sign change is the first in a succession of sign changes for all of the slow-moving planets of Jyotish, where Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu will change signs in May. The transits of these powerful planets are a weighty influence, and their collective transition indicates a period in which there will be world events that will call for a substantial degree of reorientation, on several levels and in various ways.
February 2025 Astrology Forecast
Saturday, February 1:
Last month, on Monday, January 27th, Venus entered sidereal Pisces. This is the exaltation sign of Venus, which means that here it becomes especially powerful. This can deliver some noteworthy desirable effects according to the house that corresponds to Pisces in one’s natal chart, and Venus will be exalted for a long time, until May 31st, 2025.
While Venus’ exaltation is generally favorable, there is however the complicating presence of the North Node Rahu, which sits in the same sign and is a distorting influence. Venus and Rahu in conjunction can indicate nagging desires, an anxious sense of material lack and grasping.
Fortunately, as Venus and Rahu move farther apart towards the later part of this month, the intensity of Rahu’s effect on Venus will diminish. Today this conjunction is at its striking peak, where Venus, Rahu and also the Moon sit together in exact degree.
In the nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada, these planets are in a lunar mansion that has a fixed nature, something which generally relates to property, land, fixed assets, and long term and weighty projects that promise greater stability in life. The powerful effect of Rahu on Venus right now may warrant caution when it comes to signing contracts, financial transactions or making major purchases, especially those that relate to home and property.
Tuesday, February 4:
Jupiter has been retrograde for some months, since Wednesday, October 9th. It will change course today to transit direct. This may give a most-welcome sense of moving forward in areas that Jupiter governs. There may be a sense of expansiveness, and new clarity regarding knowledge, and in earthy Taurus, Jupiter’s changed direction can encourage a new understanding around how to proceed in the management of material resources.
Jupiter will be stationary direct from 4:42AM until 9:52AM EST (9:42AM-2:52PM GMT), during which time the stillness of this planet will bestow it with unique and auspicious power.
Friday, February 7:
A gathering of auspicious planetary influences grace this day.
The Moon is exalted in sidereal Taurus and is with Jupiter. Their dispositor (the ruler of the sign that they tenant), is a very strong (exalted) Venus which provides the Moon and Jupiter with a solid underpinning.
The Moon is in Mrigashira Nakshatra, which on a Friday forms specific combinations that encourage grace and prosperity. Along with this, today is the 11th waxing lunar day, which creates a combination that supports the long-lasting effects of one’s actions.
Symbolized as a deer’s head, Mrigashira Nakshatra is mild and gentle-natured. It supports activities that offer comfort, creative expression and social connection. Also, it is considered to be a favorable star for travel.
Wednesday, February 12:
The Full Moon takes place today in sidereal Cancer in Ashlesha Nakshatra at 8:52AM EST. (1:52PM GMT)
This Full Moon occurs in a vulnerable portion of the Zodiac known as gandanta (‘the knot at the end portion’). In the last degree of Cancer, this is a junction where a water and fire sign meet, in an incompatible, steam-producing mixture of elements. There may be an environment of anti-social behavior that is a reflection of an inner-feeling of drowning.
Additionally, the Sun is weak due to being in a junction (sandhi) between signs. Later today, it will enter sidereal Aquarius.
While the Full Moon is an externalizing influence that can give a strong impulse to accomplish things, today is a sensitive window to navigate with discernment.
Symbolized as a coiled serpent, Ashlesha Nakshatra has various snake-like traits such as sharp astuteness and venomous potential. Its corresponding direction is downward- moving, which can be excellent for psychological discovery. In the relational field, it can make for an atmosphere of debate, shrewdness, noxious-substances and hunter and prey dynamics. At its best, the primal aliveness of Ashlesha can bring needed radical action and a free-thinking approach that is tuned into the movement of energy.
Monday, February 17:
The Moon is in Chitra Nakshatra, a lunar mansion that is symbolized as a shining gem. This can give an attraction to shiny things and glowing experiences that give the chance to see and be seen.
While the day might have an exuberant quality that is enjoyable, at its foundation it is not ideal for important auspicious beginnings. When Chitra Nakshatra coincides with a Monday, it forms specific combinations that can bring loss.
Wednesday, February 19-Thursday, February 20:
The Moon will be debilitated or in a weak point in early sidereal Scorpio, where this low-energy transit may require more rest and the space to do things at one’s own inner-directed pace.
The Moon’s deepest debilitation will be on Thursday, February 20th at 2:20AM EST (7:20AM GMT)
Tuesday, February 25:
Today Mercury and Saturn are in a planetary war, which means that they transit within less than one degree apart, in a too-close adverse relationship.
They are in the difficult lunar mansion of Poorva Bhadrapada, whose symbol is a funeral cot. In previous recent forecasts, I’ve made mention of this nakshatra and the adjoining one with related traits, where throughout the year Saturn and Rahu will transit through either of these two Bhadrapada lunar mansions. These powerfully malefic planets in these nakshtras that hold meanings of sudden shock, death and loss point towards extreme and deeply gruelling events within the collective.
Mercury is the winner of today’s planetary war, due to its higher northern latitude. As the defeated planet, Saturn’s affliction may spark sombre events in the collective. Mercury’s involvement may bring complications in the handling of information and communication.
Mercury and Saturn will be in exact degree at 6:20AM EST (11:20 GMT).
Wednesday, February 26:
Om Namah Shivaya! This night marks Maha Shivaratri, the yearly major festival day to Lord Shiva, the Supreme Yogi deity who is worshipped through all night meditation and chanting vigils. On this night the Divine favors the ardent spiritual seeker. Shiva’s auspicious boons are believed to be especially granted to those who manage to stay awake all night, fasting and absorbed in steadfast spiritual practice.
In India, various mythologies surround this night, and also, there are differing speculations about the astronomical and astrological reasons as to why this is a potent window to cultivate spiritual energy and yogic mastery.
To jump into this fray and offer some of my own speculation: Shivaratri coincides with the time within the year when the Moon and Sun transit Capricorn and Aquarius, the two consecutive signs that Saturn rules. Here, the luminaries go the furthest away from their own signs of Cancer and Leo. When personified, the Sun and Moon are the King and Queen. During Shivaratri, the royals have left their posts and have gone very far away and into The Beyond, setting foot in Saturn’s territory.
Saturn is a planet that is very connected to Lord Shiva. Saturn is the planet that rules Time, and as such, is the great equalizer, while Lord Shiva is the great equalizer as the representation of the transcendent, unchanging and absolute.
Maha Shivaratri falls yearly on the dark-fortnight of the lunar month of Magha (according to the South Indian calendar) or Phalguna (North Indian calendar) when the Moon is in the waning 13th or 14th lunar day.
In most-general terms, this nearly-dark Moon is an internalizing lunar phase that will naturally encourage a more inward focus.
This year, Maha Shivaratri will begin on Wednesday, February 26th in North America on the East Coast. In other US time zones west of this it begins on Tuesday, the 25th. (Temples may observe this festival on either date).
In European, Indian and Asian time zone Maha Shivaratri will be on Wednesday, February 26th.
Thursday, February 27:
The New Moon takes place in sidereal Aquarius in Shatabishak Nakshatra at 7:43PM EST (12:43AM GMT+1 day).
The lunar mansion of Shatabishak is symbolized as an empty circle, and as such, it has meanings that are quite conceptual as well as ethereal and which relate to the relationship between containment and boundlessness. It is connected with the sky and things associated with it, such as astrology and the study of it.
The name Shatabishak means ‘the one hundred physicians’ where it holds meanings of healing as well as the containment that occurs in a healing crisis.
The influences at the time of the New Moon give an indication of broad themes that will characterize the next 30 days. The days ahead may involve some form of healing crisis. Boundaries and limitations may be put into place that allow for convalescence- either literally, figuratively, personally or collectively. There may be an experience that has a quality of being contained in an infirmary while gazing at the boundless sky through a solitary little window.
Friday, February 28:
On this last day of February, the Moon will be in Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, the severe lunar mansion whose symbol is the front portion of a funeral cot. I’ve made mention of this nakshatra a number of times over recent months (most recently in the February 25th forecast entry), where there has been significant volatile planetary activity that has been occurring here in this most intense of nakshatras which will continue through 2025. In addition to the Moon here today, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu are currently gathered here, which may make for an atmosphere of heightened instability at this time. In the US chart, this conjunction occurs in the 4th house of land and environment.
Mercury and Rahu are in very close degree, which is difficult for the areas that Mercury governs. As the planet of communication, this may be difficult for things that relate to the security and transparency of information. This can take the form of events such as data breaches and false and mishandled facts.
On an individual level, the potential is higher for miscommunication or compromised personal expression which carries an element of Rahu’s smoky vagueness.
January 2025 Vedic Astrology Forecast January
May your 2025 be filled with much joy and kindness.
Thursday, January 2:
Today the Moon will transit Shravana Nakshatra, and when the Moon is here on a Thursday the auspiciousness of this nakshatra is considered to increase.
The Moon will be in Shravana Nakshatra until 12:40PM EST (5:40PM GMT).
The nakshatras are each associated with a direction, where that of Shravana is upward-moving. It supports life-sustaining activities that uphold noble priorities and actions. This nakshatra is especially associated with the preservation of wisdom traditions, and with the qualities of reverence and thoughtful listening.
Saturday, January 4:
The Moon and Saturn will be in exact conjunction today which is a combination for world-weariness. Their association becomes especially harsh as it occurs in Poorva Bhadrapada, regarded to be among the most intense of nakshtras. Also, this is the moderately unfavorable 8th waxing lunar day.
The Moon is the planet which is in highest degree throughout this day, where it becomes the atma karaka (soul significator) which indicates something about the soul of the chart. In the subtle navamsha chart, the Moon is in Aries, where the atma karaka here is said to give an anxious fixation on ‘rats and cats.’ This has been interpreted to mean small frustrating and petty irritations that may also involve some minor cat and mouse dynamics. Keeping sight of the bigger picture and greater life goals today may be especially helpful.
At this time, as well as throughout all of 2025, Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is and will be a very significant nakshatra.
Symbolized as the front half of a funeral cot, with effects that are sharp and shocking like a lightning bolt, Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, along with its neighboring Uttara Bhadrapada (symbolized as the funeral cot’s back feet), make up ‘The Scorching Pair.’ The imagery of a funeral-cot sectioned into two halves suggest an experience of standing astride two worlds, and more specifically, a standing between the world of the living and of the dead. This may somehow feel to be the case today.
Throughout the year, Saturn and Rahu will transit through either of the two Bhadrapada lunar mansions. These powerfully malefic planets in these nakshtras that hold meanings of sudden shock, death and loss point towards extreme and deeply gruelling events within the collective. In the chart of the U.S., this transit will occur in the 4th house of land, which is an especially difficult transit for the environment.
Sunday, January 12:
This stands out as a day when numerous disruptive influences converge.
The Moon is in Ardra Nakshatra, among the most severe of the lunar mansions, and this is the inauspicious ‘empty’ (rikta) 14th waxing lunar day. Also, the Moon will transit a difficult, fateful degree (mrityu bhag).
Symbolized as a tear-drop, Ardra Nakshatra has a dynamic nature or shakti of effort that brings achievement, however the effort usually comes with intensity and overwhelm. Like its tear-drop symbol, Arda is associated with strong emotions that serve as a purification and that make space for clearer seeing and fresh beginnings.
This day is well-suited to activities where harshness is channelled in desirable and intentional ways, such as detaching from unhelpful situations, letting go of unneeded belongings, having tough but necessary conversations, or training a pet.
Monday, January 13:
The Full Moon takes place in sidereal Gemini in Punarvasu Nakshatra at 5:26PM EST (10:26PM GMT).
Punarvasu is one of the moveable nakshtras, naturally suited to activities characterized by swiftness such as travel, walking, and sending correspondence. Symbolized as a quiver of arrows, Punarvasu is associated with a multiplicity of abilities, where one has a bunch of arrows gathered up in their skill-set container. This day may bring situations where abilities that have been developed quietly are given room to come forward and be known.
Tuesday, January 14:
Today the Sun enters sidereal Capricorn. The Sun’s ingress into this sign marks a major festival day of India known as Makar Sankranti (‘Capricorn Ingress’), also known regionally as Pongal in South India.
This festival honors the Sun and celebrates its northward movement, considered the more auspicious half of the year. Celebrations involve making offerings of sweet rice pudding (pongal) to the Sun, an animal (often a cow) and one’s family as a three-fold expression of worship of all of creation. Other various regional observances of this celebration to the source of life also include practices such as the building of bonfires, the flying of kites, watching the sunrise, ayurvedic oil massage, taking a holy dip in a sacred body of water, and expressions of generosity towards those in need.
The Moon will be in the most-auspicious and nurturing lunar mansion of Pushya Nakshatra, symbolized as a cow’s udder, which adds to the life-affirming energy of this festival day.
While the Sun’s entrance into Capricorn symbolically signals the Sun’s six-month Northerly course, the Sun has already been travelling North since the December 21 winter solstice. This festival is an unusual instance where astronomically the Western Tropical zodiac (based on the seasons) is currently more accurate.
The calculation for this festival is based on where the sun is at the time of sunrise. In North American, European and Asian time-zones, Makar Sankranti will take place on January 14th.
Saturday, January 18:
Today Venus and Saturn in sidereal Aquarius will be together in exact degree in harsh Poorva-Bhadrapada Nakshatra, in the too-close, adverse relationship known as a ‘planetary war’. While Venus can be said to be declared the winner in the sense that it is the brighter planet in a higher northern declination, both of these planets will still suffer. The conjunction of Saturn and Venus when in a natal chart is said to make a person ‘skilled in duels.’ Venus is a planet of companionship and adoration, while the astringent, distant nature of Saturn will complicate the ability to receive and give affection. Maybe this is the reasoning behind this concise description of a swordfight.
Additonally, the Moon will be in exact degree with the contractive Ketu the south node, and Mercury will be in a difficult, fateful degree (mrityu-bhag).
Connection to others may be strange and complex today. That which is meant to offer comfort may be experienced as constrictive, and communication may not flow easily.
Thursday, January 23:
Today the Moon is in a weak-point in the early degrees of sidereal Scorpio where it gives unsteady effects. This day may call for more rest and the space to go at one’s own natural pace in life. The Moon will be in its point of deepest debilitation at 5:58PM EST (10:58PM GMT).
Wednesday, January 29:
The New Moon takes place at 7:35AM EST (12:35PM GMT) in sidereal Capricorn in Shravana Nakshatra.
The planetary influences at the time of the New Moon give an indication of themes that will affect the next 30 days.
Shravana is an auspicious nakshata. Symbolized as an ear, it is known as the star of listening. Its upward-moving directional quality encourages activities that elevate conscious and intellect and that seek to uplift others. Its receptive nature supports activities in which active listening is fundamental, where collectively, the coming days may see various forms of negotiations taking place. Individually, there may be a focus on study, especially the learning of traditional and ancient subjects. Shravana is regarded to be the birthstar of Saraswati, the goddess of learning, the arts and of speech.
Jupiter, from five houses away in Taurus, will exert a very strong, full planetary aspect onto the Sun and Moon, which will further support Shravana Nakshatra’s reverent and noble potential.
Less auspiciously in this chart, Venus with Rahu are together in close degree. This is a conjunction that can indicate a sense of lack, whether or not this is genuinely the case. An atmosphere of material grasping may feel like a strong tide in the collective.
Individually, it may be especially helpful to recognize the nature and power of the north node Rahu. This shadowy ‘planet’ creates endless craving for craving’s sake. When Venus and Rahu join, the mesmerizing effects are powerfully amplified. In the days ahead, shadowy and nagging heady wants may be hard to distinguish from straightforward and quieter true needs.
December 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast
Sunday, December 1:
The New Moon will take place in sidereal Scorpio in Anuradha Nakshatra at 1:20AM EST (6:20AM GMT) on Sunday, December 1st.
The influences at the time of the New Moon give an indication of themes that will characterize the next 30 days.
In this chart, as read from the Moon, the planets Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are in angular (kendra) houses. These houses function like the engine of a chart, in the sense that kendras are houses of manifestation.
Jupiter relates to ethical duty (dharma), while Saturn is a planet of concrete action (karma). Their angular position from the Moon and Sun indicates a strong focus on practical, worldly goals. The above-mentioned planets are all in fixed signs, associated with firm foundations and activities that bring greater stability in life. A greater focus may go towards longer-term planning and goals.
Anuradha Nakshtra is a gracious lunar mansion, associated with friendship and community and together with the fixed and angular influences of this chart, there may be community-building that is built around common purpose, where new foundations are set.
Thursday, December 5:
This day is graced by various positive influences. The moon is in Shravana Nakshatra, a receptive and uplifting lunar mansion that is associated with a reverence for learning, attentive listening, and the preservation of ancient wisdom, where this day may bring a welcome sense of greater depth of being. This is the excellent waxing 5th lunar day (shukla panchami), and both Shravana Nakshatra and shukla panchami increase in their favourable potential on a Thursday.
Also beneficially, the moon is together with Venus and receives the planetary aspect of Jupiter.
Mercury, however, is in a uniquely complicated placement. The planetary effects that this planet of communication and rational intellect will give present an area of debate, which will play out in contradictory and layered ways. Mercury is retrograde, and also fully hidden in the sun’s rays, where it suffers the weakness of ‘deep combustion’. However, Mercury is also within one degree of the Sun today, in the state known as cazimi, or ‘very heart of the sun’, where it emits a laser-like special brilliance. There may be brilliant ideas that are perhaps fragile in some way, best kept held in close to one’s heart, and shared with discernment.
Sunday, December 8:
This is a day that is affected by a variety of severe influences that may make for a gritty atmosphere. The Moon is in Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, among the most intense of nakshatras, and this is the somewhat unfavorable 8th waxing lunar day. The Moon is within close degree with Saturn, forming a conjunction for world-weariness. Symbolized as the front half of a funeral cot, Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, along with its neighboring Uttara Bhadrapada, is one of the two nakshtaras that make up ‘The Scorching Pair’, with effects that can be sharp and shocking like a lightning bolt. The funeral-cot’s front-legs imagery represents a standing astride two worlds, and more specifically between the world of the living and of the dead, and this may somehow feel to be the case today.
Throughout all of 2025, Saturn and Rahu, will transit through either of the two Bhadrapada nakshatras that make up the scorching pair. These two first-rate malefic planets in these two nakshatras that are associated with sudden shock, death and loss indicate some deeply gruelling extremes within the collective.
Wednesday, December 11:
This day is well-suited to practices that support health and healing.
The Moon is in Ashwini Nakshatra, a revitalizing lunar mansion that is associated with the Ashwini Kumara, twin deities of medicine who serve as celestial physicians. In addition, this is the waxing 11th lunar day (shukla ekadashi) which in the Vedic calendar is regarded as a time for fasting or keeping a very simple and pure diet, where moderation during this lunar phase encourages calm and clear senses and good health.
Sunday, December 15:
The Full Moon takes place in late sidereal Taurus in Mrigashira Nakshatra at 4:01AM EST (9:01AM GMT).
The continually seeking nature of Mrigashira nakshtra may give an experience of roaming, perhaps to find refuge, safety or a situation that is simply a better fit.
On this Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are both in the very last degree of the signs where they transit. The Sun in the last degree of Scorpio, is gandanta, or the vulnerable junction between a water and fire sign. This indicates experiences that lack a solid foundation.
The Sun will enter sidereal Sagittarius later today at 11:41AM EST (4:41PM GMT), where important practical beginnings are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.
On this full Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter are all retrograde. The backward-moving effects of three planets as seen from earth suggest a time of much looking back. This may be a time of revising projects and reviewing past actions.
Among these retrograde planets, Mercury enjoys a unique and favourable power today, as it will be stationary direct from 2:30PM EST (7:30PM GMT) until approximately 5PM EST, before going direct. Its commanding stationary stillness is powerful for the areas that Mercury governs, like communication and intellect. In sidereal Scorpio, Mercury’s influence will play out in Scorpio-like ways, such as skill in research, strategic thinking and working with things that are hidden beneath the surface and behind appearances.
Saturday, December 21:
Today the Winter Solstice will take place at 4:21A.M.EST (9:21AM GMT).
This is the moment when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted as far away from the Sun as possible, and marks the first day of winter.
(The Southern Hemisphere’s winter solstice occurs in June.)
It is the shortest day of the year, where the shadow that one casts is at its longest. It is a time to acknowledge this depth of darkness and winter’s potential mercilessness. It is also a day that signifies regeneration and renewal, and is a time to celebrate the coming of longer days with rituals that welcome light as the source of all life.
Across cultures, many sacred structures from pre-history have been constructed in ways that give key importance to the sun’s solstice location. Among these, Stonehenge is the most well-known. Here on the day of the winter solstice, at sunset the sun will align in just the right way so that it is vividly framed within Stonehenge’s two massive inner columns within the stone circle.
In neighboring Ireland, at the Stone Age tomb site of New Grange, on winter solstice morning, and in a more-subterranean fashion, the Sun will quietly do that which is utterly remarkable. Not only will the sun exactly align with the tomb’s front entrance, but weather permitting, the sunlight will go inside and travel down a very long descending dark, 62-foot-corridor passageway. The light will then shine into the tomb’s main chamber that lies beneath the ground, to illuminate the chamber’s further-most wall.
Structures such as these, which align with the earth to form calendars on a landscape, offer a reminder that within the depth of darkness, light will continue to come in, in ways that are remarkable, given the right orientation.
In Vedic astrology, the Sun’s northward movement is very generally considered to be the more favorable six-months of a year.
Wednesday, December 25:
On this Christmas Day, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn align in a nearly-exact angular (kendra) 90-degree relationship, an alignment that has meanings of manifestation and getting things done. This engine-like formation has the potential to fuel a sense of the day being approached like a project.
The Moon is in Swati Nakshatra, a lunar mansion that encourages sweet speech and graciousness. Its less-desirable or more-frustrated expression, due to Swati’s vacillating and highly sensitive nature, can bring experiences where it is difficult to be grounded or consistent, and gives the sense that life is overwhelming. This is a day where it may be helpful to remember that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, and that this birth was a quiet event in most-humble surroundings, among gentle animals gathered around a manger.
Friday, December 27:
The Moon is in its monthly low-point of debilitation in the early degrees of sidereal Scorpio, a sensitive and low-energy influence that is made additionally so due to Scorpio’s ruling planet Mars in its debilitation sign of Cancer. This planetary sign exchange (parivartana) creates a looping or repetitious effect, something that can play out as compulsive behavors or situations that lack a neat sense of resolution. It may be especially helpful today to make a list of the day’s priorities, and to keep the list simple.
The Moon’s deepest debilitation occurs at 9:19AM EST (2:19PM GMT).
Monday, December 30:
The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place in Poorva Ashadha Nakshatra at 5:26PM EST (10:26PM GMT).
The planetary influences at the time of the New Moon give an indication of themes that will characterize then next 30 days.
The lunar mansion of Poorva Ashadha is symbolized as a winnowing basket, a woven basket for separating grain from the chaff, and like this implement it has meanings of efforts toward greater refinement, and the discerning of value. It also has an association with patience, and with experiences that call for developing more of this quality.
The weeks ahead may be a time that involves a sorting process, like that done by a winnowing basket. There may be a sifting out to discern what is of substance and value, or what is real and fake; what to keep and what to let go of, or what to cultivate and what to ignore.
Poorva Ashadha Nakshatra sits within Sagittarius, and it shares some overlapping qualities of this sign in the sense that Sagittarius is a sign of idealism, or seeking the highest and that which is most ideal, while Poorva Ashadha has meanings of separating out that which is most-valuable. The dynamic impulse (shakti) of Poorva Ashadha is that of invigoration, and the result of this shakti is the gain of luster.
In this chart that is read from the Moon sign of Sagittarius, Jupiter becomes first-house planetary ruler, who is in the fixed sign of Taurus and is retrograde. Retrogression indicates a slowing down in some form, due to its slower, backward-seeming movement from earth. This can play out as the need for revision and review of that which has come before. Taurus and other fixed signs tend towards giving effects of slowness or sameness, in the sense that they give the impulse to seek stability and security first and foremost.
Also in fixed signs are Mercury, Venus and Saturn, where the fixed planetary influence becomes strong at this time. The days ahead may bring various tests of patience, which are likely born out of the desire for stability. There may be a slowing down that comes out of reasoned carefulness, stubborn inflexibility, or from some mixture of these traits.
November 2024 Astrology Forecast
Friday, November 1:
The New Moon takes place today in sidereal Libra in Swati Nakshatra at 8:46AM EDT (12:46 UTC).
The chart at the time of the New Moon gives an indication of themes that will characterize the next 30 days. The lunar mansion of Swati Nakshatra is symbolized as a fragile young sprout being swept around in the wind as it makes efforts to stand strong. Swati is governed by Rahu the north node, a shadowy ‘planet’ whose nature is ethereal and is said to give effects similar to Saturn. Rahu and Saturn are both related to the masses. In ayurveda, Rahu and Saturn are both airy and are drying to the body. And both are slow-moving planets that represent karmas that are difficult to avoid.
In today’s New Moon chart, of the nine planets of Vedic astrology, six transit nakshatras governed either by Rahu or Saturn, where these planets are commanding at the foundation of the chart.
Saturn is currently retrograde which makes it powerful. In two weeks’ time during full Moon, Saturn will be stationary as it changes course, where it will be at a height of power.
Saturn is in Shatabishak (‘the hundred physicians’) nakshatra, a Rahu-governed lunar mansion associated with health, curing and healing crisis.
From the Sun and Moon, Rahu is in the 6th house of healing and of the desire to improve. Known as an upachaya house, or one of ‘increase’ the 6th house governs fighting spirit, rise, and efforts to overcome adversity.
Among the various influences, the next 30 days may bring themes of making effort to stand strong or to recover health, either personally, and or collectively. Outbreak of illness may see an increase in the collective, while at the same time there may be noteworthy new developments in medicine.
Individually, this is a time when giving greater attention to caring for one’s health and a daily routine that allows for stability and that serves to calm the nervous system may be especially timely and helpful, so as not to be frazzled and overwhelmed, like a fragile sprout blown around in the wind.
Saturday, November 2:
The Moon is in the early degrees of sidereal Scorpio, where it becomes weak and gives inconsistent effects.
There is a higher potential for unsteady physical energy or changeable emotions, and the day is well-suited to a simpler and more restful schedule.
The Moon will be in deep debilitation at 7:48PM EDT (11:46PM UTC).
Also, the Moon is within a few degrees of Mercury, a planet of rationalization and calculation that can conflict with the Moon’s intuitive sensing nature.
In the U.S., daylight savings will end tomorrow morning at 2AM, when the clocks go back one hour. Thankfully, this will grant an extra hour of sleep, and is a return to a more natural clock that reflects the Sun’s actual movement more closely. This is the clock that is more popular with animals and farmers.
Tuesday, November 5:
In the U.S., today is the momentous presidential election.
Various influences reflect the close race which has been the case over months, and point to a complex situation in which the outcome might not be fully clear or the final word at the day’s end, and where the outcome may possibly be strongly and even in some cases violently contested.
The Moon will be in Moola Nakshatra. This is a severe nakshatra that is associated with that which is hidden. It is governed by Ketu the south node, whose nature is sharp and can give situations characterized by suddenness. In the U.S. chart, the Moon transits the 1st house, a microcosm house of the chart, and it rules the difficult 8th house with meanings of hidden things and situations where boundaries break down.
Both Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde. Jupiter governs the U.S. chart, as Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius is the rising sign. Jupiter’s retrogression may give some form of delaying influence, or a repeat of dynamics, such as those which had occurred in a previous U.S. election.
Jupiter currently transits Mrigashira Nakshatra, a Mars-governed lunar mansion, and Mars is debilitated and transits the difficult 8th house of the U.S. chart.
An image within the Vedic myth symbolism of Mrigashira Nakshatra is that of a young female deer who is running to escape a predator.
Mercury in Scorpio transits a specific vulnerable and fateful degree (mrityu -bhag) today. As the planet of communication, Mercury’s vulnerability gives potential complications in the manner in which information or votes are handled.
Venus, a female signficator planet, is in a vulnerable degree (gandanta) in the very last degree of Scorpio. This is a junction where a water-sign and a fire-sign meet to form an incompatible, steam-producing mix of elements.
By tomorrow late afternoon in the east coast of the U.S., Venus will be in a more powerful transiting position, and interestingly it will be prominent in the 1st house of the U.S. chart.
Kamala Harris may win this election, but just barely so, after a strangely close race and after some unexpected complicating factors.
Thursday, November 7:
Today a specific auspicious combination is formed by the Moon in the lunar mansion Uttara Ashadha nakshatra on a Thursday.
Uttara Nakshatra is one of the fixed nakshatras, well-suited to activities of a long-term nature, and that bring greater stability in life, such as those that relate to home, land and building, placing sturdy objects (such as trees and sculptures), and setting foundations.
Friday, November 15:
The Full Moon takes place today in sidereal Aries in Krittika Nakshatra at 4:25PM EST.
The lunar mansion of Krittika (‘The Cutter’) is symbolized by a sharp, razor-like instrument, and is associated with Agni, the god of fire. As such, it has sharp and fiery meanings. It gives concentrated focus, courage, an attraction to projects on a mass scale.
After making effort to stand strong and find footing under the effects of the recent New Moon in Swati Nakshatra, there may now be the growing sense of steadiness where it is now time to fulfill goals with renewed clear and decisive focus. Krittika, with its razor-symbolism, is an influence that cuts through excess and haziness, and at its best is an instrument of healing.
Also, Saturn, retrograde since Saturday, June 29th, will be uniquely powerful today, as it will be stationary as it turns direct.
Saturn’s change of direction may bring a welcome sense of now going forward with things that have been subject to revision or delay over the last several months. In the lunar mansion of Shatabishak (The Hundred-Physicians), Saturn may bring a desirable new momentum to situations that relate to health and healing.
In the late evening at 9PM EST (2AM UTC+1 day), the Sun will enter sidereal Scorpio. In the junction between signs it is weak, where major practical beginnings are traditionally to be avoided during the six hours on either side of this solar ingress.
Sunday, November 24:
Today there is a favorable alignment of the Moon and Sun that encourages accomplishment. After 12PM EST (5PM UTC), the Moon will be in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, and this is the excellent waning 10th lunar day (krishna dashami). When these factors occur on a Sunday, their favourable potential is increased.
Uttara Phalguni has a ‘fixed’ quality, where it is suited to activities where grounded stability and consistency is desired, such as moving into a home, setting a foundation, construction work and land matters, making vows, and long-term planning.
Monday, November 25:
In Scorpio, Mercury will change course and be retrograde until Sunday, December 15th. As a planet of information and intellect, Mercury’s backward-motion as seen from earth may bring a period focused on rethinking and revising things.
Jupiter is also retrograde (since October 9th, and until February 4th, 2025). In Taurus, Jupiter is 180-degrees across from Mercury, where they share a full mutual planetary aspect, where in a sense it is as if these two planets are joined together. As knowledge planets, their dual retrogression suggests an atmosphere where information and knowledge continually reorient, and new ideas and ways of seeing require a new approach.
Retrograde planets can knock the areas of life that they govern off-balance because they are actually very strong in giving effects, like tides that overflow.
As Mercury changes course today, its slowed-down movement will impart it with a unique and unconventional power, from which meaningful insight may occur. Mercury will be stationary between 9:41PM and 11:07PM EST (2AM and 4:07AM UTC+1 day).
Saturday, November 30-Sunday, December 1:
The New Moon will take place in sidereal Scorpio in Anuradha Nakshatra at 1:20AM EST (6:20AM UTC) on December 1.
More about this New Moon to follow in the December forecast.
October 2024 Astrology Forecast
October will be a month of powerful and diverse influences.
This is eclipse season, where an annular solar eclipse will take place.
This is also a period of ancestral observance, and a time of major auspicious festival days.
Wednesday, October 2:
The New Moon takes place on Wednesday, October 2nd at 2:49PM EDT (6:49PM UTC) in sidereal Virgo in Hasta Nakshatra.
This New Moon marks the culmination of the ancestral fortnight of Pitru-Paksha that began on Tuesday, September 17th. (See last month’s post for September 17th for more about this).
Today is a most-heightened day within this otherworldly fortnight, when the veil between the human and unseen worlds is uniquely thin. This is a profound window within each year for communing with spirit realms. More specifically, it is a powerful time to connect with departed ancestors to express gratitude, appease their unrest, heal generational trauma and to bring greater peace within an immense flowing ancestral current.
Also, this is a powerful and sensitive day because an annular Solar Eclipse will take place.
An annular eclipse is one where the Sun forms a ‘ring of fire’ around the Moon. Eclipses are destabilizing for the environment, and are a time to navigate carefully.
Major practical beginnings, like moving into a new home, starting a job, or signing important documents, are considered to be ideally avoided.
Eclipses are inwardly transformative and spiritually profound, and are a time when spiritual practice and its benefits become amplified. Like a re-setting of an aperture, or the blinking of an eye, eclipses encourage a new way of seeing.
Very little of this eclipse will cross land. Only Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and southern parts of Chile and Argentina in South America will be within the path of annularity.
It will begin on October 2nd at 11:42AM EDT (3:42PM UTC) and will end at 5:47PM EDT (9:47PM UTC), with the time of maximum eclipse at 2:45PM EDT (6:45PM UTC).
Thursday, October 3:
Today marks the start of Navaratri (‘The Nine-Nights’), This is a major festival to the Goddess in her three forms that make up the trinity known as the Tridevi. The Tridevi (‘Three Goddesses’) are Durga, the goddess who embodies triumph over inner and outer demons through steadfastness and courage; Lakshmi, goddess of splendor, abundance and beauty; and Saraswati, goddess of flowing wisdom, creative expression and communication.
Each form of the Divine Mother represents three cornerstones of inner and outer achievement and perfection in one’s own life journey.
In India, Navaratri is celebrated through a diversity of observances, prayers, daily fasts, gift-giving and feasting that vary in their emphasis among various regions. It takes place yearly, starting on the first waxing lunar day in the lunar month of Ashwin.
Sunday, October 6:
Today the Moon will transit its monthly low-point of debilitation in the early degrees of sidereal Scorpio, which may bring an unsteady atmosphere, low energy, or a delicate inner state that is well-suited to a lighter schedule and a more restful and simple day. The Moon will be in its deepest debilitation at 2:01PM EDT (6:01PM UTC).
Also, this is the 4th waxing lunar day (shukla chaturthi), considered to be one of the ‘empty’ (rikta) phase of the Moon that lends another layer of lunar unsteadiness to this day.
Monday, October 7:
This is a day that is graced by a convergence of auspicious influences.
Today the Moon is in Anuradha Nakshatra, a lunar mansion that is gentle, community-minded and is associated with Mitra, the Vedic god of friendship.
Additionally, this is the excellent 5th waxing lunar day, and when this nakshatra and lunar day (tithi) align on a Monday, they become even more favorable, forming specific combinations that encourage accomplishment and brilliance.
Saturday, October 12:
This is a uniquely auspicious day of the year.
Today’s culmination of the Navaratri festival marks Vijaya Dashami or the ‘Victorious Tenth Lunar Day.’
This is one of four uniquely favorable days within each year in the Vedic calendar, when major new beginnings of all kinds are considered to be highly blessed. This is regarded as an especially suitable day for ventures such as starting a new course of education, starting a business or making major purchases.
In South India, ritual prayers and worship (puja) are performed to bless the daily objects that are a part of the fulfilling one’s path, be these items educational, work or household-related. Items include things such as the books that contain the teachings that one most wishes to master, musical instruments, computers, cooking pans and even vehicles will receive special blessings to invoke their divinely-inspired use.
Among this day’s various meanings, Vijaya Dashami marks the victory of goddess Durga as a demon-slayer. After an observant nine days of Navaratri prayers, offerings and practices that support inner refinement and fortitude, Durga’s victory symbolizes the success of the individual over his or her own brand of delusion or ordeal.
Vijaya Dashami is also known as Dashain, Dussehra, Dashahara and Dashera in various regions of endlessly diverse India.
This year Vijaya Dashami will take place on Saturday, October 12 in all time zones.
Wednesday, October 16-Thursday, October 17:
The October Full Moon takes place on Thursday, October 17th at 7:25AM EDT (11:25AM UTC) in sidereal Aries in Ashwini Nakshatra
This Full Moon marks the harvest festival known as Sharad Purnima (‘Early Autumn Full Moon’), an especially suitable and lovely time for Moon-worship.
This festival night is dedicated to Lakshmi, the goddess of spiritual and material prosperity. It is believed that she grants special blessings of abundance to those who stay awake on this night, worshipping her and fasting. Sweet milk and rice pudding, or kheer, is made and kept outside in an open vessel all night to absorb the cooling, calming essence of moonlight, and then is eaten in the morning. These lunar-governed practices help to drain excess heat in the body, and in effect, help to allow for more of Lakshmi’s cooling, flowing and trusting energy in one’s consciousness.
Sharad Purnima is also known as Kojagiri, and it takes place yearly during the full Moon phase in the lunar month of Ashwin.
Since the Full Moon will take place during morning and daytime hours on October 17 th, the actual correct timing to conduct a Sharad Purnima ritual worship would be during the night of Wednesday, October 16th within North American, European and India time-zones.
The Sun will enter sidereal Libra on October 16th at 10PM EDT (2AM+1 UTC). Major beginnings of practical importance are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.
Thursday, October 31-Friday, November 1:
The New Moon will take place on Friday, November 1st at 8:46AM EDT (12:46PM UTC) in sidereal Libra in Swati Nakshatra.
This New Moon marks the main day of India’s 5-day epic festival Deepavali, ‘The Festival of Lights.’ In India, ritual worship (puja), gift-giving and the lighting of many shining oil lamps signify the victory over darkness within, and the radiant awareness of one’s own inner light.
This festival coincides with the week of the year when the Sun and the Moon both near their respective zodiacal weak-points of deep debilitation in early sidereal Libra and Scorpio. This festival’s main day always falls on the internalizing dark Moon.
This a time when the weakness of the Sun and Moon can disturb the mind, emotions, sense of confidence, and optimistic connection to life. Rituals such as Deepavali that invoke brightness, hope, warmth, belonging and a sense of life’s abundance are mentally balancing and naturally timely.
Deepavali lasts for a total of five days. Today’s main day is dedicated to Lakshmi, goddess of prosperity, generosity and beauty. Traditional elements of Deepavali celebrations that invoke and attract Lakshmi’s bountiful presence include visiting with family and friends, giving to charity, the sharing of sweets, beautifying personal adornment and wearing brand new clothes, and cleaning the home. The lighting of clay oil lamps by the open threshold of one’s festively decorated front door to allow Lakshmi to enter one’s home effortlessly and to bestow Her many blessings.
If on this day traditional Indian accoutrements of worship like clay oil lamps and are not handy in the drawer, then in the spirit of the day, this is a natural window to do things like sit by a camp-fire, light candles, neaten-up one’s surroundings, and engage in practices and attitudes that dispel inner darkness, kindle the light within, and that encourage the same in others.
In North American and European time zones, in 2024 the main day of the 5-day Deepavali festival is observed on Thursday, October 31st. In Asian/Indian this will be on Friday, November 1st.
September 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast
Monday, September 2:
The New Moon takes place at 9:55PM EDT (1:55UTC+1 day) in sidereal Leo in Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra.
The influences at the time of the New Moon give an indication of themes that will characterize the next 30 days.
The lunar mansion of Poorva Phalguni is symbolized as the front half of a hammock, and like a hammock it is associated with things that offer a promise of leisure and enjoyment while simultaneously carrying out a practical function.
Echoing the symbolism of this nakshatra, in this New Moon chart there are numerous planetary influences that indicate similar themes along the lines of a mixing of ‘business and pleasure.’ At its best, this can encourage getting things done in a way that makes room for fun. At its worst, there may be the questionable focus on the material resources of others.
Ruled by Venus, Poorva Phalguni’s nature is alluring, passionate and ambitious.
In this chart Venus is debilitated in Virgo and has difficultly functioning in clear and strong ways. Venus is also in near-exact degree with Ketu, the south node, a distorting, highly-focused and sharp influence. This Venus-Ketu conjunction suggests narrow-focus, odd or out-of character tastes, poor quality or lack of integrity.
Mercury is in an adverse, steam-producing and weak degree of gandanta (‘the knot at the end portion’) in late Cancer, a junction in which a water and fire sign meet, and Venus in Mercury’s sign will partially experience the gandanta effects.
From the Moon sign of Leo, Mercury governs the 2nd and 11th houses, both houses of the financial and the material, and Mercury tenants the 12th house of expenditure and loss. As the planet of intellect and discernment, Mercury’s water-logged or drowning gandanta condition suggests impaired reasoning and misplaced emotionality.
Mars in this chart functions as a planet of ethical orientation. It is placed in the 11th house of gains and the fulfillment of desires, and by nature Mars is driven and passionate.
From the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, in Taurus and Aquarius, are in an angular (kendra) house position, houses of the concrete and the practical. The 7th house is a house of negotiations among nations, and Saturn here is a most-heavy planet of dire need and gritty situations.
Rahu, the North node, is eight houses from the Moon, a house of hidden agendas and the resources of others, and Rahu is an indicator of shadowy attachment and craving.
In the collective, Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra’s meanings of a mixing of pleasure with goals might border on vulgarity, such as in the form of a short-sighted paying-off that appeals to base instincts. At its worst, this may play out along the lines of the candidate who makes promises of creating a new holiday that provides an extra vacation day, or resorts to cash payments or similar incentives to all who vote him in.
On the individual level, this is a month when it becomes especially important to hold to one’s highest expression of character, and also to keep sight of the larger patterns and motivations of others when tempting offers are presented.
Monday, September 9:
Today the Moon and Venus are both in ‘deep debilitation’, or in planetary degrees where they become unsteady and give inconsistent effects.
This may make for low physical energy or changeable emotions, where the day is well-suited to a simpler and more restful schedule.
Venus is a material and a social planet, where deep debilitation can indicate dissatisfaction, where for instance a purchase might not fulfill its desired function or a get-together does not bring an expected sense of fulfilment. The Moon will be in its deepest debilitation at 7:54AM EDT (11:54UTC).
Venus will be in its deepest debilitation just before midnight EDT on September the 10th.
Tuesday, September 10-Wednesday, September 11:
Harsh influences may make for a gritty atmosphere. The Moon will transit Jyestha Nakshatra and Moola Nakshatra, both of which have a sharp (tikshna) nature, and when these coincide with the 8th and 9th waxing lunar days on a Tuesday and Wednesday, this forms a specific combination that encourages annihilation.
Jyestha (‘the Eldest’) nakshtra may bring a jockeying for authority and a questionable use of power. Moola (root, base) Nakshatra can give situations where much is hidden.
The Moon receives a close planetary aspect from Saturn, whose astringent nature encroaches on the Moon’s gentleness.
Monday, September 16:
Today the Sun enters sidereal Virgo: important beginnings of practical importance are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress because the Sun is weak in a junction (sandhi) between signs.
Also, this is the 14th waxing lunar day, considered an ‘empty’ (rikta) phase that cannot easily offer a foundation of support.
Tuesday, September 17-Wednesday, September 18:
The Full Moon takes place today in sidereal Pisces in Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshata at 10:33PM EDT of Tuesday, September 17th (2:33UTC+1day)
This begins eclipse season, where the Full Moon will coincide with a partial Lunar Eclipse that will be visible over a wide expanse of land. Regions seeing at least, some parts of the eclipse include Europe, much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.
The partial eclipse will begin at 10:12PM EDT and finish at 11:15PM EDT, with the moment of maximum eclipse at 10:44PM EDT (2:44 UTC+1 day).
This Full Moon marks the start of the yearly otherworldly Ancestral Fortnight of Pitru Paksha.
This is a special time within each year when the boundaries between the human and spirits worlds are especially fluid, and when prayers and offering to one’s departed ancestors can be readily received. It is a time to call in deceased family members to offer gratitude for the sacrifices they made and also to heal that which is in need of resolution.
Through consciously connecting with one’s clan and those who have shaped one’s own destiny in both obvious and unknown ways, these two weeks can become a heightened gateway to transform stuck or compulsive behaviours borne out of patterns of generational trauma.
Traditional prayer offerings (known as tarpana or ‘satiating’) include the favorite food and drink items of those who have died. These are mentally offered to these departed family members, and then are fed to an animal or offered into an ocean or river, as a practice to express thanks and cultivate contentment within one’s family and lineage.
This period of reflecting back is a time to hold off on major worldly beginnings such as weddings, house-blessings, property or vehicle purchases or starting a business.
Pitri-Paksha takes place yearly during the dark half of the lunar month of Bhadrapada , which coincides with the Full Moon in the lunar mansions of either Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra or Uttara Bhadrapad Nakshatra. Known as ‘The Scorching Pair’, these two nakshatras are symbolized as the front and back halves of a funeral cot. They carry connotations of the ability to walk between human and otherworldly realms.
Pitri Paksha will end on the New Moon of Wednesday, October 2nd.
Friday, September 20:
Today the Moon is in the lunar mansion of Ashwini Nakshatra. This forms a specific combination for the dispelling of difficulties when it coincides with a Friday. Also, the Moon receives an enlivening close planetary aspect from Venus, who casts powerful effects from 180 degrees away.
Ashwini Nakshatra is associated with strong vitality and healing, where this may be an especially fitting day for activities that encourage good health.
Wednesday, September 25:
This is a day to navigate with some care, where various severe influences converge. The Moon (and also Mars) are in Ardra Nakshatra, a lunar mansion that is symbolized as a tear drop and has meanings of intensity, upheaval as well as of the resulting purification and freshness that arises after tears.
This is the 9th waning lunar day, considered to be an unstable or empty (rikta) lunar phase.
This harsh energy of the day may be best channelled into activities characterized by a desirable and intentional severity, such as for instance detaching from questionable situations, letting go of unneeded items, demolishing a structure, or training a pet.
Thursday, September 26:
Today the Moon is in Punarvasu Nakshatra on the waning 10th lunar day (krishna dashami). When these two favourable influences occur on a Thursday, it forms a specific combination that encourages accomplishment.
Symbolized as a quiver of arrows, Punarvasu is dynamic, diverse, expressive and moveable in nature, and it supports activities where these qualities are desirable, such as those related to spoken and written communication, sending and transporting items, travel and cultivating artistic skills.
Sunday, September 29:
Today the Moon is in Magha Nakshatra, and when this lunar mansion coincides with a Sunday, this forms a specific combination for loss.
Symbolized as a royal throne room, Magha Nakshatra has meanings of authority, awareness of family lineage, and also can relate to governmental and organizational interactions.
Within the ancestral fortnight of Pitru Paksha that is currently in progress (see September 17), this is a day when the presence of those on the other side and themes of family connection and duty may be especially powerful.
August 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast
Sunday, August 4:
The New Moon takes place at 7:12AM EDT (12:12 GMT+1) in sidereal Cancer in Ashlesha Nakshatra.
The planetary influences at the time of the New Moon give an indication of themes that will characterize the next 30 days.
Symbolized as a coiled serpent, the lunar mansion of Ashlesha Nakshatra is a severe and deeply profound nakshatra.
Like a snake’s venom, it has associations with strong and noxious substances. In the collective, this may indicate news-worthy situations, legislation or world events that relate somehow to chemicals, poisons, drugs, or other potent substances.
The snake-like nature of Ashlesha is also associated with the ability to mesmerize, through displays of forceful concentration and intensity which includes the use of persuasive speech and debate, and its highly instinctual nature will often play out as hunter and prey dynamics.
This New Moon is likely to affect the U.S. in especially weird and subterranean ways, where in the U.S. chart it will occur in the difficult 8th house. This is a house of extremes that relates to hidden things, death, addictions, the breaking down of boundaries, enemies, and sudden reversals.
Saturn in Aquarius will be eight houses away from the Moon (and also the Sun). This is a difficult placement, where as mentioned, the 8th house is a house of extremes.
Jupiter, another slow-moving, powerful planet is eleven houses from the Sun and Moon. This is a balancing transit that mitigates some of this chart’s negative potentials.
Like all of the 27 nakshatras, Ashlesha and its serpent-like nature does certainly have its positive qualities. As an influence that taps into primordial life-force and instincts over mental constructs, cultural conditioning and ideologies, Ashlesha Nakshatra can encourage insight, intuition and free-thinking and a stronger sense of individuality. It can allow for a radical approach that comes from a finely-tuned awareness of the movement of energy.
Mercury is slowing down to a standstill (as seen from earth), where it will be stationary starting at 10:13PM EDT (3:13AM GMT+1 and 1 day), and it will go retrograde tomorrow morning. Mercury will be retrograde from Monday, August 5th until Wednesday, August 28th.
Ashlesha Nakshatra is ruled by Mercury, where New Moon here will give some of Mercury’s effects. Mercury’s retrogression is suited to focusing on that which requires revision, review and restructuring, and there may be an element of delay that comes as a part of seeing and relating to things in a new way.
Monday, August 5:
Today three planets- the Moon, Mercury, and Venus, are in Magha Nakshatra. Symbolized as a royal throne room, this lunar mansion is connected to ancestral realms, awareness of lineage, and of turning one’s attention towards those who have passed away. It is also associated with themes of authority and leadership. The day may bring situations that relate to ancestors or family duty, and it may also bring situations that are connected to the government, officials, and of ‘paying one’s respects to a king’ in some form.
Tuesday, August 13:
Today the Moon will transit its monthly low-point of debilitation in the early degrees of sidereal Scorpio, which may bring an unsteady atmosphere, low energy, or a delicate inner state that is well-suited to a lighter schedule and a more restful and simple day. The Moon will be in its deepest debilitation at 12:35AM EDT (5:35AM GMT+1).
Thursday, August 15:
In August, this stands out as a day that is affected by strikingly volatile influences. Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius will be in an exact ninety- degree relationship. This forms an agitating alignment that increases the potential for violent events. The days around this time in mid-August are affected in varying degrees by this closely squared, harsh push-pull planetary tension.
Also today: the Sun and Moon will be in lunar mansions that are among the most severe. The Sun will be in serpent-like Ashlesha Nakshatra, while the Moon will be in sharp-natured Moola Nakshatra. Additionally, both of these planets by degree placement will be gandanta, or in the vulnerable and weak ‘knot at the end’ that occurs at the junction between the last degrees of a water sign and the first degrees of a fire sign, where an incompatible, steam-producing meeting of elements is formed.
Friday, August 16:
The Sun enters Leo: major beginnings of practical importance are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.
Monday, August 19:
The Full Moon takes place in sidereal Aquarius in Dhanistha Nakshatra at 2:25PM EDT (7:25PM GMT+1).
Dhanistha is a nakshatra that has qualities of generosity and patronage. The Full Moon is a culminating influence of a growth-cycle that began during the New Moon. Today there may be a situation that involves themes of some form of practical assistance or generosity related to events that began on or close to Sunday, August 4th.
Friday, August 23:
Today the Moon is in the lunar mansion of Ashwini Nakshatra, and this is the favourable waning 5th lunar day. When the Moon is here on a Friday it forms a combination that helps to dispel difficulties and encourages the long lasting effects of one’s actions.
Ashwini is associated with the Ashwini Kumara, two mythological horse- headed celestial physicians, where it has meanings of vitality and healing. This may be a good day for activities that improve health. Also, the swift quality of Ashwini favors activities where lightness is desirable, such as travel.
Wednesday, August 28:
This is a day when Mercury will be very powerful. Retrograde since Monday, August 5th, Mercury will change direction (as seen from earth), where it will be stationary before going direct. Its commanding stillness will imbue it with unique presence and influence today. It will be stationary in sidereal Cancer between 3:29PM EDT and 6:57PM EDT, (8:29PM and 11:29PM GMT+1). It will be in its own lunar mansion of Ashlesha nakshatra. Symbolized as a coiled serpent, Ashlesha is shrewd and snake-like. As the planet of communication, Mercury’s increased power is likely to play out complex ways, with an element of persuasion, intensity, mental gymnastics and radical forms of personal expression.
This is the 11th waning lunar day (krishna ekadashi), a lunar phase that is traditionally a day for fasting, where practicing restraint on this day gains the special favor of Vishnu the Preserver, the deity whose nature is to support and sustain all of life.
This may be a day when moderation with food intake may go a long way towards preserving vitality, and where more care and fortitude when speaking preserves harmony.
July 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast
Friday, July 5:
The New Moon takes place at 6:57PM EDT (11:57PM GMT+1) in sidereal Gemini in Punarvasu Nakshatra.
The planetary influences at the time of the New Moon give an indication of themes that will characterize the next 30 days.
This New Moon chart, as read from the Moon sign of Gemini, is blessed with various strengths that support resilience and constructive growth.
The Sun and Moon are together with Venus, a favorable planet that becomes even more so today, where it functions as a uniquely auspicious planet in the chart known as the ‘yogi planet’. The calculation of the yogi planet is derived from the longitudes of the Sun, Moon, and a numerical constant.
The Sun and Moon benefit from being hemmed-in on either side by Mercury and Jupiter, two positive planets that offer support through sitting in the two houses on either side.
And while no planet is ever in spotlessly perfect condition, today the Moon is largely free of negative planetary affliction.
Harsh planets Rahu and Mars are in the 10th and 11th houses, where they are well-placed in the sense that their innate intensity can be put to good use here while doing least harm. The 10th and 11th houses are known as upachaya houses, or houses of improvement and increase, where here malefic planets can do well.
A factor of vulnerability in this chart is the difficult placement of Ketu the South node in the 4th house of land, home and environment. Ketu indicates sudden disturbance, and is a fiery influence with effects similar to Mars. This suggests a high potential for environmental extremes in weather, weather change and human-made destruction to land and structures. For matters related to one’s home or overall living situation, Ketu here can bring uprooting, detachment, dissatisfaction or narrow-sighted fixation.
The lunar mansion of Punarvasu Nakshatra where this New Moon occurs has meanings of restoration, return and renewal, a return of light, and of things becoming good again. Life is complex, sometimes truly harsh, and never utopian of course, but this auspicious nakshatra can more readily allow for a conscious and sane response to dark and imbalanced situations.
Punarvasu is a nakshatra that naturally favors communication, efforts towards understanding, greater creativity and also swift movement which may play out this month in the form of short travels.
Tuesday, July 16:
Today the Moon will transit its monthly low-point of debilitation in the early degrees of sidereal Scorpio, and will receive an exact and planetary aspect from Mars and a lesser planetary aspect from Saturn.
These destabilizing influences to the Moon may bring an unsteady experience and a delicate inner state that is well-suited to a lighter schedule and a more restful and simple day. The Moon will be in its deepest debilitation at 4:05PM EDT (9:05PM GMT+1).
The Sun will enter sidereal Cancer today, where this is another factor of instability. In the junction between signs the Sun is in a weakened transition-state. Important practical beginnings are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.
Adding further to influences suited to simplicity and moderation, today is the waxing 11th lunar day (shukla ekadashi). This is regarded to be a natural lunar day for observing a fast or a simple diet that supports balanced senses and inner calm.
Wednesday, July 17:
This stands out as a day in July graced by favorable influences. A specific favourable combination (or ‘planetary yoga’) that supports accomplishment known as siddha (complete attainment) yoga is formed by the Moon in the lunar mansion of Anuradha Nakshatra in combination with the 12th waxing lunar day on a Wednesday. Additionally, the Moon is closely aspected by Jupiter, giving the Moon a steadiness that allows it to function in ways that are magnanimous and wise.
Anuradha Nakshatra is associated with Mitra, a Vedic god of friendship. Its nature is mild and it encourages a community-conscious approach to the achievement of practical goals, where well-wishers along the way are gratefully acknowledged and valued.
Saturday, July 20 (Sunday, July 21 in India):
Tonight’s Full Moon marks Guru Poornima.
This is the day held as especially dear for lovingly honoring one’s beloved spiritual teacher. The enlivening and illuminating Moon at its most bright and full (poornima) encourages heartfelt devotion and the connection with the guides who unshakably hold up a clear mirror and point the way from the unreal to the Real. Guru Purnima takes place yearly on the full Moon in the Indian lunar month of Ashadh, which is usually in July. This coincides with a full Moon that occurs in (or within a few degrees of) the sign of sidereal Sagittarius. In the zodiac, Sagittarius is the 9th sign, and it has a resonance with the 9th house of the Vedic chart. The 9th house governs one’s Guru and mentors, and it is the house of dharma, or collective ethical conduct and individual right action.
On a more earthy and maybe not too unrelated note, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the July full moon is known as the ‘Buck Moon.’ (This almanac is a well-known U.S. calendar book that has been in existence since 1792. It publishes monthly full Moon names that come from a number of places, including Native American, Colonial American, and European sources.)
Interestingly, this male-deer (buck) symbol seems to have similarities to that of the sign of Sagittarius where this full moon occurs.
Sagittarius is the archer who aims his bow and arrow upward, and who has a body of a horse. It is the sign of continual sharp striving upward and of aiming high.
As an image similar to that of Sagittarius, the antlers of a buck are in majestic full-growth mode in North America at this time. Their sharp buck antlers embody the trait of constant pointed upward striving, and these are antlers that shed and then re-grow, to produce a larger and more impressive set with each passing year.
The phase of the Full Moon will begin on Saturday the 20th at 8:30AM EDT (1:30PM GMT+1) in sidereal Sagittarius, and the actual moment of full Moon will be on Sunday, the 21st at 6:15AM EDT (11:15AM GMT+1), in early Capricorn in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.
June 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast:
Thursday, June 6:
The New Moon takes place today at 8:37AM EDT (12:37PM UTC) in sidereal Taurus in Rohini Nakshatra.
The planetary influences at the time of the New Moon give an indication of themes that will characterize the next 30 days.
This New Moon chart is read from Taurus, where there is a gathering of many planets. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all here, and except for Jupiter, are in the lunar mansion of Rohini Nakshatra. The Moon transits its strongest sign of exaltation, and is in exact degree with Venus.
This exceptionally prominent first house of this chart suggests a time of increased consideration for the individual self. Larger societal structures may be less reliable than ever, insidious or empty of meaning. There is likely to be stronger self-directedness, independence and need to trust one’s own direct experience and instincts.
Ancient astrology texts are full of descriptions of, ‘planetary yogas.’ These are specific planetary alignments that indicate qualities and outcomes. Planetary yogas in which benefic planets like Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are with the Sun and Moon (as is the case today) will usually have results connected to desirable things and the finer things in life. Some descriptions of these yogas are that they will make one ‘proficient in several arts,’ ‘fond of flowers and perfumes,’ a poet,’ ‘enjoying several comforts’ ’renowned and powerful’ and ‘well-dressed.’ This said, the priorities of the coming days may be on that which adds more sparkle and inspiration to life.
The lunar mansion of Rohini is a zesty nakshatra that encourages renewed enthusiasm, as perhaps a breather from the intensity of recent months. Rohini is considered to be the birth star of enchanting Lord Krishna, and the presiding deity of Rohini is Brahma the Creator. The energy of Rohini Nakshatra is fixed, and like the earthy sign of Taurus where it is placed, it supports concrete manifestation in the world.
Friday, June 14:
The Sun enters sidereal Gemini: major beginnings of practical importance are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.
Wednesday, June 19:
Low-energy and unsteady lunar influences affect the early part of the day, then turn around to become quite auspicious. A wobbly start may pivot and transform into that which encourages experiences of kindness, caring and beauty.
Today the Moon is in its weak-point of debilitation at 7:15AM EDT (11:15AM UTC). After 7:55AM EDT, the influences change to form a specific combination for accomplishment, in effect until 9PM EDT, known as Siddha (complete accomplishment) Yoga, formed by the lunar mansion of Anuradha Nakshatra occurring on the waxing 13th lunar day on a Wednesday.
Anuradha is associated with Mitra, the god of friendship. It has meanings of the accomplishment of goals that serve a common good, with continued regard for those who help along the way.
Friday, June 21:
The Full Moon will take place at 9:07PM EDT (1:07AM +1 UTC) in sidereal Sagittarius in Moola Nakshatra.
Symbolized as a bunch of roots that are tied together, Moola Nakshatra has a gathering-up, one-pointed, and downward-moving energy. Today may be spiritually and psychologically profound, as a time when root causes are seen clearly. In terms of world events, the harshness and traits of suddenness of this nakshatra brings an increased volatility to the atmosphere.
The sharp and severe traits of this nakshatra are best suited to activities that contain an element of desirable intensity, such as detaching from unsuitable commitments and situations, letting go of unneeded belongings, and difficult yet necessary interactions.
Sunday, June 30:
In June, this is a day that may be especially good for therapies that support physical energy and healing, such as cleansing and fasting practices, rejuvenation treatments, taking remedies, or taking time for revitalizing movement.
The Moon is in Ashwini Nakshatra, a lunar mansion whose symbol is a horse’s head, and its swift and robust nature encourages energy to move. The Vedic deities associated with Ashwini are the Ashwini Kumaras, two twins who are gods of healing. When this nakshatra aligns with a Sunday, it forms a combination for accomplishment, and also today is the 10th waning lunar day, considered to be an auspicious lunar phase.
May 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast
Wednesday, May 1:
Today Jupiter changes signs.
Jupiter stays in a sign for approximately one year, where its ingress into a new sign is a noteworthy planetary transit.
In sidereal Aries since April 2023, today Jupiter will enter Taurus and remain here until May 14th 2025.
In a person’s birth chart, Jupiter’s slow-moving and commanding transit will tend to bring energy of expansion and opportunity to the house that it transits. Planetary transits are read primarily from the Ascendant, followed next in line by the Moon, and then thirdly from the Sun.
For those with an Ascendant, (or Moon or Sun) in one of the fire signs of Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, Jupiter will transit through and also cast a full planetary aspect onto the three Artha houses of the chart. Artha is a sanskrit word that carries meanings of wealth, resources and usefulness. Jupiter will bring greater focus, opportunity and luck to areas connected to practical material stability and goals in the world. There may be rise in areas related to work and profession, a possible new title and increase in finances.
Also, there may be better quality and care devoted to nutrition and daily routines.
For the earth signs, of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, Jupiter will bring its auspiciousness to the three houses that make up the Dharma triangle of the chart. Dharma relates to the highest manifestation of the individual self. It includes one’s sense of personal ethics, virtue, merit, creative expression, deeper wisdom and higher learning. There may be association with mentors and guides who support a process towards depth and maturity.
For the air signs of Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, Jupiter’s will influence the Moksha (liberation, emancipation) triangle of the chart. Here, emotional and psychological health and the willingness to see things as they really are (even if it hurts) is given first priority. It may be a time of profound inner catharsis that brings more stability and integration. Within this greater steadiness and psychological clarity there is likely to be a letting go of various and maybe unhealthy attachments to people, places or things.
And for the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, Jupiter will transit and aspect the three Kama (enjoyment) houses of the chart. Here, personal relationships, both romantic as well as related to groups, friends and collective socializing become important and receive increased support. Also, a fulfillment of desires and aspirations may play out in the form of travel, developing much-loved hobbies and taking budding skills to a next-level. This may require coming out of hiding or stepping out of a current comfort-level.
To get a general sense of how Jupiter’s transit through Taurus will play out personally, it may be very helpful here to recall what was happening the last time that Jupiter transited here, between May 2012 and May 2013.
While astrological influences and life are layered, diverse and always changing, where it is not possible to step back into the same flowing planetary stream twice, a recollection of some of the major life themes during this one-year period will however offer one a flavor or echo of the effects that it will bring over the next one year.
Tuesday, May 7:
The New Moon takes place in sidereal Aries in Bharani (‘The Bearer’) Nakshatra at 10:21PM EDT (2:21AM GMT + 1 day )
The planetary influences at the time of the New Moon gives an indication of themes that will characterize the next 30 days.
The symbol of Bharani nakshatra is a yoni, or the stylized representation of female reproductive organs, and its associated deity is Yama, the Lord of Death. As such, Bharani is a lunar mansion that carries meanings of the interconnectedness of birth and death.
The planetary ruler of Bharani is Venus, and today Venus is in this nakshatra with the Sun and Moon, where its association with the luminaries will amplify the influence of Bharani nakshatra during this lunar month.
Akin to its connection with birth and death, Bharani is also associated with experiences that are characterized by suddenness, where the life form that has been invisibly gestating is born and now suddenly out in the open, or where the slowly declining person suddenly passes over to the other side. The next 30 days may bring an atmosphere of situations that have been brewing quietly as behind the scenes decisions, plans and activities that are made known and visible to all, perhaps with an element of surprise or shock.
Yama, the Lord of Death, is also a god of justice, who assesses the motivations, values and conduct of the individual. Thus, this month’s situations of metamorphosis are likely to come with a sense of whether one has taken a high road or a low-road.
Friday, May 10:
This is a special day. Today marks Akshaya Tritiya or ‘Never Diminishing Third Lunar Day’. This is considered one of three and-a-half uniquely auspicious days of each year in the Vedic calendar. Among its numerous layers of mythical significance, Akshaya Tritiya marks the day the sacred river Ganges first began flowing, as well as the day the sage Veda Vyasa began composing the well-known epic tale The Mahabharata. It is believed that on this day spiritual practices deliver increased benefit, items donated to others will be effortlessly replenished, and new practical beginnings of all kinds, such as starting a business or making major purchases, get a solid, blessed start. Some astrologers are even of the belief that the lucky nature of Akshaya Tritiya over-rides other fundamental astrological considerations. Akshaya Tritiya occurs yearly on the day when at sunrise the Sun and Moon are in sidereal Aries and Taurus respectively, their signs of ‘exaltation’ or maximum strength.
(In 2024, Akshaya Tritiya will be on Friday, May 10th in North American, European and Indian time zones.)
Tuesday, May 14:
The Sun enters sidereal Taurus: major beginnings of practical importance are traditionally avoided on days of solar ingress.
Sunday, May 19:
In Vedic astrology, when planets are together in exact or within close degree, these too-close conjunctions are often adverse, and an indication of volatility, constriction, or conditions where planets are not able to function in strong or straightforward ways.
There is a very unusual situation today where numerous planets will sit in exact planetary conjunction. In Pisces, Mars and Rahu are in the same degree, forming a fiery and potentially explosive combination. Jupiter, the ruling-planet of Pisces, is in exact degree with the Sun in Taurus. Here Jupiter is lost in the Sun’s glare (deeply combust), and becomes compromised and weakened. As the planet of justice and wisdom, Jupiter’s hidden state indicates powerlessness in matters of discernment and fairness, likely due to issues with greed or materialistic priorities. Jupiter is in the earthy sign of Taurus, and is with Venus, a planet of desire and potential covetousness.
The Moon is in Virgo, in exact degree with the sharp and constrictive south lunar node Ketu. This is a combination that indicates potential worry, lack, and obsessive fixation. Keeping a sense of balance and calm may go a very long way towards skilfully navigating this especially sensitive window today and around this time in May.
Wednesday, May 22:
As tomorrow’s Full Moon approaches, it will be in early sidereal Scorpio, in its difficult degrees of maximum debilitation. While the Moon’s brightness is externalizing and may bring responsibilities and activities, its accompanying unsteadiness may also bring an atmosphere of reluctance, awkwardness, and feeling unsupported. This is a day to navigate with greater patience, grounded clarity and care. The Moon will be in its deepest debilitation at 11:06PM EDT (3:06PM GMT)
Thursday, May 23:
The Full Moon takes place in sidereal Scorpio in Anuradha Nakshatra 9:52AM EDT (1:52PM GMT).
Anuradha Nakshatra is symbolized as a triumphal gateway decorated with leaves. Like this symbol, this lunar mansion has qualities that are victorious and noble (like the triumphal gateway) and at the same time fresh, mild and life-affirming (like the fresh leaves). Anuradha is nakshatra of friendship and community, and when the Moon is here on a Thursday this forms a specific favorable combination.
While there are some striking adverse planetary influences at this time (such as the close conjunction of Mars and Rahu), the Moon’s auspiciousness in Anuradha Nakshatra is a hopeful influence that aspires to that which is compassionate and constructive.
Sunday, May 26:
Today Mars will transit over the degree where the solar eclipse in April took place. In 25 degrees of Pisces, Mars will reactivate a highly vulnerable point in the zodiac. This volatile influence becomes even more so in this case, because Mars is together with the north node Rahu, which will inflate a planet’s effects. For the U.S., this transit may be especially difficult, where this Mars-Rahu conjunction in the U.S. chart occurs in the fourth house of homeland and environment.